It’s a guy thing: Staying Fit & Healthy with the ACA

August 2, 2017

It’s a guy thing: Staying Fit & Healthy with the ACA

Guys, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has you covered.

ACA healthcare policies aren’t designed just to treat you when you’re sick, but to catch problems early – when they can best be treated –  through regular health screenings. These can help you stay fit and healthy, and can even save your life.

While men are significantly more likely to put off doctor’s visits and get screened for illnesses than women, they are much more likely to be hospitalized for diabetes complications heart failure and pneumonia.

Screenings for diabetes (high blood sugar), for example, are particularly important to catch early, when treatment is most effective. Your doctor can also check for high cholesterol and high blood pressure. ACA health policies cover screenings for depression, HIV, Hepatitis C and can help you with weight loss, which can lead to many of the diseases already mentioned.

Some screenings are tied to age. For example, did you know if you’re 50 or older, you are covered for colon cancer screening (or earlier if you have a family history)? If you are between 65 and 75 (or have smoked more than 100 cigarettes in your lifetime), you can receive an Abdominal Aortic Aneurism ultrasound test. This can detect whether the largest artery in your body is bulging, which could prevent it bursting leading to internal bleeding or death. Those between the age of 55 and 80 (or those who have smoked extensively or quit in the past 15 years) can receive a lung cancer test.


Mens health graphic shorter
Quick guide to Men’s Health Screenings


For more information on men’s health, go to: – Men: Take Charge of Your Health:

Learn more about ACA essential health benefits:

Do you  have more questions about what your healthcare policy covers? The Epilepsy Foundation of Florida’s federally licensed healthcare navigators are here to help! You can call our toll-free statewide number at 877-553-7453 to schedule an appointment with a navigator.  More information is also available

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